EMR Aware Database
2,300 Accredited Scientific Studies

The main purpose of this page is to direct qualified researchers to our curated online database of scientific abstracts and studies at Sync.com. There you can view or download, in PDF format, any of over 2,300 examples of peer-reviewed research. Most associate one or more biological or psychological abnormalities with the types of EMR increasingly encountered within our collective daily environment.

Under each of the categories below, can be found numerous topically related documents. Be aware that their saved file names as saved are often obscure, so it is recommended to spend time exploring. Most full papers include in their closing pages a bibliography of prior or supportive research. The titles of these can be copied and pasted into your browser search bar to obtain even more information.

  • Assorted Bioeffects
  • Children
  • Millimeter Waves & 5G
  • Mobile Phones
  • Neurological
  • Plants and Wildlife
  • Radio and TV
  • Regulations
  • Smart Grid
  • Telecom Towers
  • Wi-Fi

The above compilation is indicative of a far larger body of similar evidence now in print. The latter is being added to on a daily basis by leading researchers worldwide. As a result, industry and their Governmental regulators can no longer credibly dismiss as unfounded the concerns of informed citizens regarding the potentially adverse bioeffects of existing electro-technology as well as the possible inadequacy of current public and occupational EMR safety standards.

Additional Online Databases


The Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association maintains a large database of published science on EMR. Numerous search features are available. To get started, click on the magnifying glass and select “Enter Find Mode”. Then click the “Study” and/or “Effects” tabs, under which can be selected single or multiple search criteria by choosing “Y” (yes). Finally, click the “Article” tab and cycle through the search results using the < and > controls in the top menu. You can also download a CSV file of search results to collate data off-line. For more advanced functions, consult the instructions page.

Using the above resource, it is possible to uncover all kinds of revealing information. For example, the charts above were produced by ORSAA from search results to illustrate the difference in findings between studies funded by industry and non-industry organizations. The green segment indicates “no effect” found.

EMF Portal

EMF Portal is an extensive EMR science database operated by RWTH Aachen University. EMF Portal.

Added Resources

The Bio-Initiative Report was published by a group of eminent scientists as a fully referenced 200 page summary of existing literature in support of their organization’s demand for more stringent EMR safety standards. It contains invaluable information for persons seeking an understanding of the wide-ranging health impacts of modern electro-technologies.

There are also a number of websites that consistently offer up-to-date science based content on issues surrounding EMR. Several of the most authoritative are listed below.

Further links to accredited research, as well as related media articles, may be found throughout Our Newsletters and at the websites of the many EMR-related organizations linked to on the Support page.

Reported Adverse Effects

It is estimated there are now over 20,000 studies published in mainstream scientific journals that attribute adverse biological and psychological effects to EMR in its various technology-generated forms. The table below provides an indication of the current extent of this rapidly advancing knowledge base.

Unfortunately, relevant Government agencies have not lowered regulated EMR exposure limits in response to the latest findings, or else when confronted with verifiable evidence of harm simply choose to languish in willful ignorance. Accordingly, a growing legion of vocal health experts is now warning of a global epidemic of EMR-caused illnesses that may affect the well-being of generations to come. Who but the whole of society will shoulder the resulting burden of extra health care and loss of human potential?

What Is EMR?

When an electrical charge is applied to an antenna, this energy is absorbed by electrons within the atoms of its constituent metal, causing them to expand in orbit away from the nucleus. When the charge returns to zero, as occurs at an interval determined by the frequency of the applied signal, the electrons return to their rest state. In doing so, they release a burst of radiant energy. The composite term “electro-magnetic” is given because it propagates in two modes upon planes at right angles to each other.

One is in line with the axis of the antenna through which the electrical charge is rising and falling in intensity. The second is the accompanying magnetic component that propagates at a right angle. This is not the same energy moving upon two vectors, but rather two distinct types determined by the method of generation. Although most often experienced as a combined force, in isolation each possesses its own dynamical properties and mode of inducing bio-effects.

To get the full picture, wrap the vector diagram above 360 degrees around the entire antenna. One way to visualize this motion is as a vertical stick connected to the center of a horizontal disk held upon the surface of water. As the stick is pumped up and down, waves proceed radially in ever-widening circles. Now imagine that this is occurring along the full length of the stick. This is the magnetic vector. For its electrical counterpart, imagine that the stick releases an axial bust of energy every time you push it down. The foregoing example applies to a dipole which is the simplest antenna geometry.

It is this planar polarization that causes man-made radiation to be more biologically inductive than that which occurs in nature, like solar rays or the Earths geomagnetic field. To compound the matter, emissions from modern technology become exceedingly complex with the addition of specialized wave forms, diverse antenna topologies and multiple intersecting signal sources. It is thus virtually impossible to predict or replicate in the laboraty their effects upon electro-sensitive living systems. Yet due to financial incentives the so-called “precautionary principle” is given only cursory attention. In other words, we will not know the full extent of any damage until it is too late to turn back.

An artist’s impression of overlapping RF signals within a city environment.

Multiply this by the number of EMR sources in your environment, all intersecting at different angles, frequencies and intensities, and the complexity of potential bioeffects becomes clear. The ability of science to rationalize such dynamics lags well behind its ability to deploy them. No one knows with certainty the outcome for humanity of unchecked electro-pollution.